

Monday, January 18, 2010

Running Design

Running Design? I know it is probably a strange name, but I see it in two ways.
First: To me design is so much more than just a quick fix or a quick selection of paint colors to complete a room. It is a constantly changing, ever-developing idea or concept that evolves from a broad thought to a finished design. It is a running concept that starts out slow and then picks up pace but might hit some road blocks, and despite all the trials and errors, you are satisfied with the end result!
Second: To me running is such a great way to experience design. Think of all of the houses, buildings, cars, signs, etc. that a person runs past, each and every one of these items was selectively chosen and designed into what it is today. For me, running increases my passsion for design! Try it sometime! Run and be aware of your surroundings, taking in the beauty of each thing that has been created!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Can't wait to see what you write about weekly!


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