

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

    In the wonderful words of Sesame Street, that somehow after all these years, still pops into my head when the weather gets super warm is: "Hace Calor, Si Si Senor, Could fry an egg on the cement it's so caliente! Hace Calor, Si Si Senor, How about this weather it sure is Hot?!"  This song was playing over and over in my head while I was running this weekend! While I have been training for the Chicago Marathon, I have not been running nearly as much for training as I have formy last two marathons.  I'm taking a new approach, in hopes of staying injury free... we shall see how it goes!  Next weekend I have a 10 mile race with my Dad, so I wanted to get in a 10/11 mile run this weekend.  Sometimes it is much harder than it looks to actually be able to get out there and run, especially since my parents are in Rhode Island and so I have been watching 5 of my younger siblings.  The plan was to get out running at 6am, before my siblings were awake... well surprise, surprise, that didn't happen!  Before I knew it, the earliest I could get out was 12:30 in the afternoon! Looking at the rest of the day and what needed to be done, I realized that while it isn't smart to start a 10 mile run at that time of day with a temperature of 95 degrees outside with a heat index of 105, I knew that it was only going to get worse out!  So I tied up my laces, put on some sunscreen and started my trek!  The run went well for the first mile, I felt like I was running really slowly and when I checked it was an 8:30 pace for my first mile, I immediately paniced and knew that it was too fast for the temperature... sure enough, another mile in and I was dieing!  Not only was I melting in the heat, but I didn't bring a water bottle and for some unknown reason decided to try a new route... one without any water fountains! Stupid choice, I know!  After another mile or so, my run turned into a run/walk... By the time I got home, I felt so dehydrated and physically drained!  I was shocked that being out for only an hour could make me feel so utterly worn out! 
   So my tips are:
      1. DO NOT run when it is that temperature outside without constantly hydrating yourself!
      2. If possible be sure to NOT run during the heat of the day!
      3. It is important to wear sun screen, but apply the lotion and then wait 30mins before going out to run!  I didn't wait and after running for a while, I realized my sweat mixing with the lotion was making my skin look lotion white... not very attractive!

Rocking Out to : Taylor Swift - Our Song

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